The Beer-clean Glass
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The Beer-clean Glass

There's a sure-fire way to make sure your beer always tastes good.

Beer 932994 960 720 2018 07 31 15 59
Photo Credit: tookapic
The folks at the Leinenkugel’s Brewing Company are worried. Worried that not everyone who enjoys beer knows how to get the most from a full-flavored beer.
It starts with a beer-clean glass. That means a glass that doesn’t have any soap film, rinse solution, grease or dust. Because beer is 92 percent water, it can pick up any of this stuff if it’s left on a glass after washing.
Follow this four-step method for ensuring beer-clean glassware.

1.  Rinse a clean glass with hot water and sprinkle the inside with salt. Now, use your clean fingers or a clean paper towel to rub the salt around the inside of the glass.

2.  Rinse away the salt with hot water.

3.  Rinse again with cold water.

4.  Set the glass on a clean paper towel to air dry. (Do not dry the glass with a dishcloth, which may be holding on to all the little gremlins you’re trying to avoid.)

To test for cleanliness, pour your beer into the glass. If the bubbles cling to the bottom and/or sides of the glass, or if you see a steady stream of bubbles rising from the bottom, your glass does not pass the beer-clean test. Try again.
Your beer tastebuds will thank you.

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