Fun and Games
Keep everyone at the cabin entertained—especially on rainy days when a small cabin can feel even more cramped. These fun and games activities are family-friendly and will soon become traditions at the cabin.

Learn the basics of the popular washer toss game to take family fun to the next level.
Cabins aren’t just about buying, designing or outfitting the building; they’re meant to be savored, like sipping a sweet tea on a…
The missing piece to indoor cabin fun!
April showers might bring May flowers, but they can also bring stir-crazy kids who've been cooped up inside for too long. Here ar…
Puzzles are seriously underrated toys and amazing for rainy days at the cabin.
Read these books about adventure, the wilderness and finding yourself in nature while you're at the cabin!
Here is a playlist of folk and acoustic songs perfect for helping you unwind at the cabin.
Grab your flannel, grow your beard and live out your lumberjack dreams at Bad Axe Throwing.
Get inspired and get outside. These quotes remind us to stop every once in a while and explore the world around us.
This easy woodshop project will yield hours of family fun - here's how to make your own washer toss game set!
Grab your GPS and head into the wild. Geocaching is fun - let the treasure hunt begin!
Make your own set for fun at the cabin this summer.
A great way to get some exercise while relaxing at the cabin is by getting outside and riding a bicycle.
Some cabins are worth a grueling hike in deep snow.
The basics of horseshoes so you and your family can play on your next trip to the cabin!
Summer may be the sweetest season of all - at least at the cabin. Here's how to make it last all year long!
People come up with names for their cabins just for the fun of it. Add some creativity and stake claim to your property by branding it with these tips on naming your cabin.
While you’re at the cabin, there’s a good chance you want to spend most of your time outside. Nature rules at the cabin, but the weather doesn’t always feel that way. If the weather doesn't go as planned on your next cabin getaway, make sure you have these board games at the ready to stay unplugged.
Make a scarecrow that is customizable so it can change with the seasons and take on a different personality.
This weekend project shows you in easy illustrated steps how to make a rustic DIY log bench from leftover lumber after your log home is built.
This fun score post can be made in a few hours and will leave friends and relatives praising you for its simple brilliance. Here’s how to make one.