Photo by Marta Wave / Pexels
Article courtesy of Garden Gate Magazine
There are lots of things that need to be done throughout the season. To help you get the essentials done, use this checklist as a guide.
Early Fall
- Pull out the camera and snap some shots of what you’ve accomplished this year. Don’t forget to take a few photos of areas that need improvement, too!
- Plant cold-tolerant annuals and refresh containers with autumn plants.
- Buy spring-blooming bulbs early for the best selection. Store them in a cool spot until you’re ready to plant.
- Shop for tree, shrub and perennial bargains and get them in the ground.
- Feed your lawn.
- Divide perennials that bloom in late spring and summer, such as irises, daylilies and daisies.
- Watch for insects and treat the problem to cut down on overwintering populations.
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- Rake up and compost leaves. Clean up dried leaves, stems and twigs around the garden.
- Put out the bird feeders.
- Plant trees and shrubs if you haven’t already. Keep them watered until the ground is frozen.
- Mow the lawn once more and do end-of-season maintenance on the mower.
- Bring house plants inside before night temperatures dip into the 50s.
- Harvest any last produce from the vegetable garden. Spread a layer of compost over the garden so it will be ready to till in spring.
- Control weeds that have been lurking in the lawn before they set seed.
- Plant spring-blooming bulbs now.
See also Checklist for Winterizing the Cabin
Late Fall
- Empty, wash and store your containers. Use a dolly to move heavy or large ones.
- Protect trees and shrubs from winter weather and scavenging animals.
- Sharpen and put away tools.
- Cover new perennials, and those that have a tendency to heave, with mulch.
- Empty the hose and coil it up. Also empty and store the birdbath unless you will be using a heater.
- Prevent damage to your lawn and plants. Use a garden-friendly deicer, coarse sand or turkey grit instead of salt to melt ice from sidewalks and driveways.
- Dream about next year’s garden and place orders for new plants early.
See also Your Seasonal Garden Checklist