Swedish Rye Bread
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Swedish Rye Bread

Greg Johnson, whose Swedish cabin was featured in "Rebuilding a Pioneer Cabin" in the December 2012 issue of Cabin Life, has a special place in his heart for this traditional Swedish rye bread. The recipe has been handed down for generations (Greg got it from his mother, or Nanna, as he called her), and at Farfar Stuga, it is a household favorite. Makes four loaves.

3 cups rye flour
9 cups white four (more or less)
5 cups water
1 cup molasses
½ cup sugar
2–3 tablespoons dried yeast, dissolved in 1 cup warm water
¾ cup shortening
1 tablespoon salt
Add anise seeds or flavoring as desired.

1. Melt shortening. Add 4 cups warm water, molasses, sugar, salt and dissolved yeast. Add rye flour; mix well.

2. Gradually add white flour until dough reaches kneading consistency. Knead well. Let rise until at least double in size.

3. Divide dough between four greased loaf pans. Let rise in pans. Bake at 350°F for about 35 minutes.

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