It's Clear That Windows are Hard on Birds
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It's Clear That Windows are Hard on Birds

Each year, millions of wild birds are harmed or killed when they fly into windows. Oftentimes, the window is reflecting the sky or vegetation, so birds think they can fly through it. Fortunately, solutions to this problem are relatively simple.

First, identify problem windows: typically larger, reflective windows, those near the ground, or those that look through the house.

To reduce reflections, attach special decals or other decorations to the outside of the window. These decals – available at bird hobbyist stores – look unobtrusive to humans but serve as highly visible warnings to birds. Typical designs include butterflies, leaves and other natural objects.

Or, you can hang objects, like decorative stained glass ornaments, in the window to help deter birds. A more aggressive approach is to install netting or screens that prevent birds from crashing into the glass. Instead, the birds will just bounce off the netting or screen.  
Consider moving your feeders to within three feet of windows. When feeding birds are chased from feeders by predators they can crash into windows if the feeders are too far from the house. When feeders are close to the house, fleeing birds cannot accelerate to the point where a collision with windows is life threatening.

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