Wood Treatment for the Cabin
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Wood Treatment

Staining your log cabin is necessary home maintenance. We offer the best wood treatment advice and products uses to make the job as easy as possible.

Restoration Possible: All I Could Think is What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
It Started with a Dream. A young boy and his dad. Hours spent tucked away together fishing the trout streams of New Hampshire’s quiet woods. In those quiet woods, a dream took root in Nicholas Martin’s heart. As he and his father fished, they would imagine and dream together of one day having a cabin of their very own to visit.
How to Prep a Cabin for Staining
The five things you need to know before you apply stain.
Pros and Cons of Using a Clear Coat On My Exterior Logs
Learn the pros and cons of using only a clear coat to achieve a natural look over time.
Avoiding UV Exposure and Natural Oxidization
Learn about the 4 options for getting rid of the picture frame effect after UV exposure and natural oxidization.
The Difference Between Logs and 2x4s
Three of the (very technical) reasons why logs are special.
How to Fix Torn Down Chinking and Caulking
Learn about the 4 major causes for why your chinking and caulking is tearing down the middle and how you can fix it.
Log Cabin Exterior Close Up
How to Choose the Best Products for Tough Conditions and Climates
Ask the Expert - Maintaining Your Dream Home
We've asked industry experts, Sascho Sealants to help us answer your questions on all things maintenance. Each month in our Cabin…
How to Stain Your Cabin Exterior
There are several options for exterior finishes at the cabin - should you paint or stain wood siding?
Getting Rid of Mold and Mildew Smells in Your Cabin
A reader writes in with a question about squashing the stench in their older cabin.
Maintaining Your Cabin Exterior
Small efforts make a big difference when preserving and maintaining your cabin, and today’s products make the jobs easier.
Winter-Friendly Flooring
What type of flooring should you use in your cabin that can withstand long cold winter months?
Log Cabin Maintenance: Keeping the Bugs Out
How to Clean Interior Logs
Cleaning the interior logs of years of dust and grime, might feel overwhelming. But our guide makes it more manageable.
The Complete Guide to Log Cabin Wood Finishes
Do's & don'ts for maintaining the wood finishes in your cabin
Pros and Cons of Elastomeric Coatings
Before you buy in, make sure you know the pros and cons of of elastomeric coatings.
Cabin Update Fever
Product Review: Yamaha PW3028 Power Washer
Leaking Logs
How to Extend the Life of your Exterior
Exterior Paints & Stains: How to Deal With Lake-Enhanced Sun & Moisture Damage

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