Plan, Design and Build Your Cabin
Are you dreaming of building the perfect cabin, but not sure where to start? From finding the perfect land to your cabin retreat, to the cabin construction process—we have you covered. Cabin Life offers expert advice on building your own cabin from the ground-up or finding a respectable log home company to do the heavy lifting for you.
Plus, we cover how to plan a cabin budget and save money with energy-saving tips so you are stress-free while enjoying your favorite place on earth.
And once you've built the home of your dreams, you'll need to get designing and decorating so you make the space your own. Let us give you the cabin inspiration you need to love your cabin well into retirement.

A reader writes in: "I love the look that a metal roof gives, but I'm not really crazy about the bright colors that they seem to come in."
Timeless motifs of rustic style take modern form in these whimsical furnishings and finishes.
Use these clever strategies to craft an efficient getaway that feels open and spacious.
Here's how cabin living is reshaping the landscape of low-cost housing and supporting community development efforts.
Here's a look at how solar energy can transform cabin living, along with strategies to navigate the challenges.
If you decide to expand your cabin, you'll need to make a few tactful changes to how you design the space.
As with any investment, it’s important to understand the tax aspects of owning cabins.
There are several steps you can take to turn your regular home into a coveted oasis.
No matter the size of the structure, you will run out of room at some point. Here are some ways to make more space for all your f…
See which rooms are priorities and how owners are funding their projects, in addition to other key findings.
How do you choose what coverage to get? What should you know about policies for cabins before selecting? Here’s what to expect.
Here are a few smart ideas from Ashley La Fond, founder of home organization company Of Space + Mind, to prevent your cabin from …
These clever finds prove that common appliances can be both compact and convenient for cabin living.
Solar-energy adoption is getting a big boost thanks to innovative — and attractive — panel applications.
This article serves as an authoritative guide, shedding light on critical considerations, potential hazards — including the risks…
Here’s how to make your patio the place to be, according to the experts.
In today’s world of high-speed, high-tech, high-cost … coziness can feel like a long-lost friend. Use these eight easy tips to in…
Have you ever paused to consider the impact that your cabin has on the natural world?
Here’s how exterior details can help you attune your cabin aesthetic to fit in with its environment.
Having a cabin makes this lifestyle transition less costly and stressful. Still, going off-grid is a massive undertaking. Here ar…
Houzz Inc., a platform for home remodeling and design, has released their 2023 U.S. Houzz Bathroom Trends Study.
Get back to basics with classic cabin plans that showcase the heart and soul of log and timber frame design.
Discover some ideas to help you welcome the season of colorful joy into your cabin.
Just like we’d factor in the humans who will live in the household, strategizing in the design phase can make both our pets’ live…
Wouldn’t it be nice if creating a cabin getaway could be one click away? These ready-to-order finds bring a hint of the rustic li…
August is perfect for transitional home decor, so celebrate the final month of summer with these pieces before the coming of autu…
If you work in a high-stress job, you may particularly benefit from a cabin trip as you take the time to de-stress and focus on y…
Any budget and lifestyle have options and aspirations, so it’s time to explore what you might want to achieve when renovating you…