Cabin Memories
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Cabin Memories

In the May 2012 and June 2012 issues, Cabin Lifereaders shared their favorite memories of their moms and dads at the cabin. The stories arrived via snail mail, email, and Facebook, each one more touching than the next.

Grandpa and His Fishing Buddies

Grandma got matching shirts for Grandpa and his fishing buddies, Sophia and Grant, to wear when fishing. Photo taken on Lake Kabetogama in northern Minnesota.
- Norske
Problem Solved
"It rained on Memorial Day 2011 at the Gun Lake State Park in Michigan.  But that didn't stop two-year-old Skylar Ellison from roasting marshmallows in the fire pit. Kayaks float, and so did Skylar! Grandma Mickie Ellison shared the photo with her friends at work."
- Debnrick

Campfire Stories
"My husband was just telling me about camping out the night before opening day of fishing here in Connecticut. The grown-ups would tell the younger folks that there was a big story on the news that day about some circus animals who got loose in the area. Then a few of the grown-ups or older kids, who had supposedly gone to bed (or to the restroom or what-have-you) would imitate animal noises. As long as the little ones weren't too little (or skittish), they had a lot of fun."
- Cabin Girl
Like Fish?
"After a great day (and highly successful) of fishing on the water with a chartered fishing boat, I took this shot of the father/kid fishing trip. While everyone had a great time, the look on my son's face was classic. I guess he wasn't ready for it all to be over! Ahhh, but the fish fry that night with neighbors was quite tasty!"
- Jones Cove and Cabin

$6,000 Too Much
"Many years ago, when my parents bought our lakehouse, my father swore that he could counter the offer and buy it $6,000 cheaper. Mom put her foot down and stated this was the house she wanted. Well, we got the house, but for a year afterward, Dad would always say, "I paid $6,000 too much."  The next Christmas, our neighbor made a sign that read, "6,000 too Much." The funny thing is that he had one glass eye and accidentally reversed the "c." That is the way it has proudly been displayed next to our front door for the past 30 years."
- LakehouseLifestyle
Mother-Daughter Moment
"My daughter and her little girl went out onto the dock to find some quiet time together at the end of the day. They looked so sweet, I wanted to take this photograph to remember this moment of my daughter and granddaughter."
Photo submitted by member "Norske"
Photo submitted by member "Debnrick"
Photo submitted by member "Jones Cove and Cabin"
Photo submitted by member "Annie B."

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