Bat Smell
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Bat Smell

Q: How do you get rid of bat odor? It’s been two years since I evicted the bats, removed all the attic insulation and vacuumed up the bat droppings. Help!
– Lonnie Cross,
Mackinac County, Mich.

A: According to Judy Loven, a wildlife biologist at Purdue University, a thorough cleaning with an enzyme- or ammonia-based detergent is your best bet. You could also check out some of the products that are made to clean kennels and other animal areas. Some namebrands to look for: Anti-Icky-Poo by MisterMax, OdorXit, SeaYu Petrotech, Dispose, Epoleon NnZ.

Loven says you may want to follow up the cleaning with a deodorizer for animal or pet odors. She also offered a recipe she has for skunk odors that you could try: 1 quart 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon liquid soap.

Remember to wear rubber gloves, dust mask and eye protection when cleaning up any animal waste.

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