Photo: Lena Derevianko / Unsplash
You’re driving down the road to your cabin and you see creative signs hanging at the end of driveways or next to front doors. Why? People come up with names for their cabins, cottages, lakehomes or lodges just for the fun of it, to showcase their creativity – and to stake claim to their property by branding it with a little of their unique personality.
If your place is lacking a moniker, have some fun brainstorming; get creative! You can keep it simple or wrack your brain for that original saying. Either way, have some fun with it. Here are some tips for coming up with that original title:
Here and Now
What are you calling your place now? Do you refer to it by location? "Up North,” “The Beach” or “The Lake”? Do you refer to it by type: “Camp,” “The Lakehouse” or “The Shack”?Maybe you just want to go ahead and make it official. Perhaps you can’t decide between calling it a cabin or a cottage, then settle on “The Cabbage” (a true story).
When you’re ready to brand your retreat with its new name, there are some things to consider before you make that sign or have one made for you. Ensure that the sign is large and noticeable. Sign styles run the gamut – from color coordinating and shaping it to match your cabin’s structure to antiquing it with an “old as the hills” charm.
A personalized sign warmly welcomes guests – as well as you and your family – to your place. It also is an outward reflection of your special piece of paradise.
What’s the Story?
Names don’t have to be an actual location or physical object. There’s usually a story behind every vacation home purchase. Why did you choose it? How did you find it? Has it been a long-time dream? There’s a name in there somewhere. Consider names like “Golden Dreams,” “Empty Nest,” “Paradise Gained,” “End of the Rainbow.”
How Do You Feel?
The name may be a feeling of “Pure Serenity,” “Bliss,” or “Nature’s Harmony” that best describes what your home-away-from-home offers you.
X Marks the Spot
Key landmarks like “Majestic Pines,” “Split Oak Acres” and “Island View” may inspire your creativity. How about those four-legged or winged visitors that show up on a regular basis? “Loony Bin,” “Wolf Den,” “Eagle’s Landing” and “Deer Ridge” may give some credit to those frequent friends.
Sounds Like …
Some names just don’t lend themselves to a catchy cabin name. The Griepentrog family wrestled with that. Through rhyme came the solution, and they named their place “Leapin’ Frog.” An easy way to come up with a catchy name is to alliterate your last name: “Robinson Retreat,” “Camp Callaway,” “Robert’s Roost,” “Kelland’s Kottage,” “Shuster Shores” ... you get the idea.
Kara Polyner is the CCO (Chief Creative Officer) of Border Country Sign Company.