Let it Snow!
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Let it Snow!

  • Create edible artwork by sprinkling birdseed, popcorn and fruits in the snow. Wildlife will admire the canvas before gobbling up your masterpiece.

  • Who says you can only blow bubbles in the summer? Dig out the bubble wand and watch the kids’ faces light up.

  • Bundle up and lie in the hammock (no bug repellent necessary!).

  • But be sure to let someone know your plans; you wouldn’t want to take a numbing nap!

  • Blow up the beach ball and toss it around in the snow.

  • Get your blood pumping with a game of freeze tag!

  • Create a snow-covered puttputt course, complete with fun obstacles like plastic sleds and shovels. Use hockey sticks to putt and a brightly colored tennis ball as your golf ball.

  • Have a snowy scavenger hunt by hiding clues around the property (be sure to place the clues in plastic bags before burying them in the snow!).

  • Play with Tonka trucks in mounds of snow (kids not required).

  • Grab a sleeping bag and enjoy a winter picnic. And don’t just pack soup and hot chocolate. Fried chicken is just as tasty in colder temps. Bring along the iPod and dance to keep warm.

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