There are few things more idyllic than a cozy log cabin on a snowy winter’s night. But that rustic paradise can quickly turn into a nightmare if you’re not sufficiently prepared for the challenges that cold weather can bring.
The good news is that it’s possible to enjoy your scenic hideaway all season long. The key is simply to have a plan. This article describes the four best tips you need to know to keep you and your family safe and secure at your cabin this winter.
Prepare Alternate Heating Sources
Whether you’re visiting your cabin for just a weekend or you’re hoping to settle in for the entire winter, it’s critical that you have an array of safe heating sources at your disposal. Smart HVAC systems are a great way to keep your cabin warm while maximizing energy efficiency.
However, extreme cold and winter storms can put tremendous pressure on the energy grid, leading to rolling blackouts and protracted outages. Therefore, it’s important to have safe, non-electrical heating options on hand as well.
Backup generators can be ideal in an emergency, but you will need to take the proper safety precautions, including ensuring your system is well-ventilated. You should also be sure to install carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of the home, as well as in each bedroom.
Prepare Your Vehicle
You may be planning to hunker down with your family for the entire winter season, but it’s still imperative that you have a way to get out if you need to. That means ensuring that your vehicle is always winter-weather-ready.
The first and most important step in prepping your vehicle for winter travel is ensuring that you have the right winter tires for your climate and terrain. Properly inflated winter tires with good tread can help you navigate even the most hazardous of road conditions. And there’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have transportation should you need emergency provisions or medical care.
Prepping the Kids
One of the paramount advantages of owning a secluded cabin in the woods is the opportunity to gift your children with life experiences they would never find elsewhere. You want your children to be able to get out of the house and experience the glories of nature in winter.
And, at the same time, of course, you want to keep them safe and protected. Try using technology to help you find that perfect balance between giving your children the freedom to explore and ensuring they’re safe.
Smartwatches that are designed specifically for children generally come equipped with GPS trackers that are connected to parents’ devices. This way, you can ensure that you always know where your kids are, no matter how far from the cabin they may roam. In wintery conditions, the ability to locate — and retrieve — your kids before truly inclement weather sets in is essential to winter cabin safety.
Prepare an Emergency Kit
No matter what the season, staying safe in your cabin home means ensuring that you have the essential tools you need for any contingency. That’s why you will want to prepare an emergency kit that ensures you, your family and your pets will have what you need to survive should you be stuck there for a while.
At a minimum, you will need enough food, medications and potable water to last for several days. In addition, you’re going to want an ample supply of fresh batteries in various sizes, flashlights, matches or an igniter. You’ll also want to stock up on blankets and warm, clean clothing, and enough books, games and toys to keep the whole family occupied.
And remember that hand and foot warmers aren’t just for ice fishing. You can load up your emergency kit with these handy dandy little items, pop them into your family’s socks and gloves, and help stave off even the most severe cold.
Finally, a tricked-out emergency kit should also include a reliable way to get news and contact first responders if you need help. A battery-powered radio with fresh batteries is a great option. Even better choices, though, may be hand-cranked or solar-powered radios.
And, of course, the best option of all would be a ham radio. A ham radio, for example, will work even when the cell towers are down. And that means that no matter how secluded your cabin is or how inclement the weather may be, you will never be entirely cut off from the outside world if help is needed.
The Takeaway
A secluded cabin in the woods is the perfect image of paradise for many of us. But to ensure that your dream home remains the haven and refuge you envision, it’s important to take steps to prepare your cabin for winter safety.
Sam Bowman writes about people, tech, wellness, and how they merge. He enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.