Article courtesy of Garden Gate Magazine
If you haven’t scoped out the great fall bargains or done any fall rearranging, now’s the time. Keep these three tips in mind to give your new perennials, trees and shrubs a great start.
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1. One zone colder
When you’re purchasing perennials for fall planting, look for those that are hardy to one zone colder than your area. So, if you live in zone 6, buy plants that are hardy to zone 5. The colder zone plants are better adapted to tough winter conditions and are less likely to have trouble establishing late in the season. Save the more tender perennials for spring planting when they’ll have the whole growing season to get going.
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2. Roots, Not shoots
When adding bargain plants to the garden, it’s important to keep the soil evenly moist. It might not look like the plants are growing, but their roots are establishing themselves for the winter. Evergreens, especially, need to have plenty of water through winter. Check the soil moisture until the ground freezes and water as needed.
3. Divide and Conquer
If you can’t find what you’re looking for at the garden center, divide what you already have. Fall is a great time to divide perennials, especially those that bloom in summer. Avoid dividing plants in autumn that bloom in early spring, such as lungwort and primrose. The best time to divide those is immediately after they finish blooming.
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