Cookie Cutters for the Cabin

Cookie Cutters for the Cabin

Just because you're fantasizing about spring doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a few more weeks of being cozy inside the cabin. So preheat your oven to 350ºF, and take the edge off the late-winter chill with some feel-good family baking.
    We love the clever cookie-cutter shapes from Ann Clark Ltd. ( There are hundreds of styles to choose from, including a crawfish, wolf, and many states, like New York and Michigan. You and your little ones (or not-so-little ones) can pick the perfect shapes to help you reminisce about the time you went beachcombing at Lighthouse Point or had fun watching cardinals brighten up your snowy bird feeder. This lovable moose is one of our favorites.
    We were delighted to discover that they’re also large-scale cutters, perfect for extra doses of sweet, cabiny goodness. Bonus: The cutters are made in the U.S. and each comes with a starter recipe.

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